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bananas with two vintage spoons in cast iron pan with whipped cream

Bananas are often a staple at Beyond Hunger. This recipe is not only quick, but also useful if you have bananas that are very ripe. This recipe is a healthier alternative to traditional desserts but is still sweet. It even contains fiber and necessary vitamins and minerals, like Vitamin B6 and C, and can help control blood pressure!

The baked bananas are even a great addition to yogurt or granola!

1 Servings
Preparation time
5 minutes
Cooking time
10 minutes
Total time
15 minutes
1 banana ((medium ripe) cut in half lengthwise)
cinnamon (to taste)
1/2 Tbsp honey (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 400oF degrees.

2. Arrange banana on an oven safe dish or foil.

3. Sprinkle with cinnamon and honey.

4. Cover tight with foil and bake for 10 to 15 minutes, until creamy.

5. Enjoy as is or (as another option) add some whipped cream or ice cream on the side.

Per Serving - Calories: 137, Saturated Fat: 0.5g, Sodium: 2 mg, Fiber: 3g, Added Sugars: 0g