Beyond Hunger’s CAN DO Community Challenge is a local hunger relief campaign during the month of April designed to heighten awareness about local food and nutrition security. The Challenge encourages schools, organizations, businesses and individuals to become more involved with Beyond Hunger by participating in a fun, community wide competition. Our goal is to raise $250,000!
This year we have a $100,000 matching challenge from the Friends of Beyond Hunger, a group of involved community members. This match doubles your impact, benefitting even more local families.
Area schools compete in a friendly competition and receive points for raising funds, collecting food, creating videos and participating in activities. See more details below:
Each year local schools compete to see who can collect the most food and funds by the end of April. Support your school or download great class activities.
Each school competes against one another to win the opportunity to display the CAN Do Trophy. Check your school's fundraising progress or contribute to help your school win.
As part of the CAN Do Community Challenge, students can earn their schools 500 additional points by creating a cooking video that highlights one of Beyond Hunger's Healthy Recipes.
The CAN Do Community Challenge educates our community about Beyond Hunger and encourages more individuals to get help when they need it. Schools can create promotional materials for points and spread the word.