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Our Benefits Services Team is here to help. 

The application process for many federal and state benefit programs can be complicated. Our Benefits Services program seeks to connect more individuals to these public programs by reducing barriers, explaining applications & following up with individuals. By connecting people to income support benefits, we hope to set families up to achieve long-term food security.

Our team can help you apply for public benefits. You do not need to reside in our service area to receive assistance with public benefits applications. Financial assistance for State IDs is limited to our service area.

Benefits Services

Outside of Drop-In hours, please contact us to make an appointment.


Phone: (708) 386-1324 ext. 1106 or ext. 2119 for Spanish

  • Phone hours Tuesday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Hotline: (708) 406-7295



Benefits we can help with


Benefits we can help with


Benefits we can help with

What documents are needed to apply?

Not seeing what you need?

Visit our Resource Library. These resources are not affiliated with Beyond Hunger but offer helpful information for a variety of needs. 

Resource Library

The Health Connection Hub has services for individuals and families, including: senior and youth services, developmental disabilities, medical healthcare, behavioral/mental health services, and other social supports.

Health Connection Hub