4 ways to help end hunger

There is still plenty of time before summer ends. And plenty you can do to help end hunger today.
Advocate for more school meals.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, schools have been serving countless meals to children. The Pandemic Child Hunger Prevention Act will ensure schools provide a nutritious breakfast and lunch for all children—regardless of their family’s income—this coming school year. The bill lets schools operating summer feeding and afterschool programs to serve all children without having to certify the eligibility of each individual child.
Send an email to urge Congress to support this legislation.
Sign up to volunteer
Our volunteers have been rated #1 for the last 40 years (by us) for their determination, compassion, availability, and overall skill.
We offer shifts that run the gamut, including data entry, repacking, serving pantry guests, and unloading delivery trucks. We hope to provide a volunteer opportunity for everyone, at every ability level. Join us for our upcoming Volunteer Orientation on Wednesady August 19th at 6pm.
Visit www.GoBeyondHunger.org/volunteer.
Try a new healthy recipe.
Try our Nutrition and Education teams' Thai Noddle Salad!
This refreshing meal is perfect for these last hot summer days when you don't want to turn on your stove. The whole grain noodles and vegetables all fall into the GREEN category of the SWAP system (Supporting Wellness at Pantries) and the peanut sauce is easily mixed by hand. Share your finished dish on social media and let others know about Beyond Hunger. #gobeyondhunger
Become a Hunger Hero
Join our monthly giving community Hunger Free 365 and provide support all year long as one of our Hunger Heroes. Just $30 a month can provide someone with 3 meals a day for the whole year.