Suffering from job loss or loss of income? Don't wait to get the help you need. Take action and get help where you can now. BEGIN BY DEFERRING YOUR BILLS Make a list of your current bills and billing...
A little before the holiday season in 1978, Girl Scouts leader Patricia Funk had an idea for a service project: Her troop could help feed neighbors in need.Funk, a leader of passion and action...
September is HUNGER ACTION MONTH! Throughout September people across the country stand together to with food pantries, food banks, and the Feeding America Network to take action to reduce hunger in...
Late-February 6 delegates from Oak Park River Forest Food Pantry including 2 staff members and 4 board members made their way to Washington D.C. for the 2018 Anti-Hunger Policy Conference. During the...
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps 1.9 million people in Illinois (about 1 in 7) afford enough food to live a healthy life. The able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs)...
Dear friends in the fight against hunger,The U.S. House of Representatives will soon consider its budget, which is slated to include massive cuts to SNAP (food stamps) and The Emergency Food...
For many people in our service area and throughout the state, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, means the difference between eating and going hungry...