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July Volunteer of the Month Gigi Rowe

Since May of 2019 Gigi has help make our Beyond Hunger community more delicious and beautiful. When Gigi began volunteering for Beyond Hunger she worked with the Nutrition Education Program making recipes to share at distribution.  As we made adjustments to serve an increasing need, and also streamlined processes to reduce the amount of volunteers in our building, Gigi continued to find ways to serve. Throughout the pandemic we have been able to offer some gorgeous blooms and fresh plants to our clients as Gigi, through her rescue shifts for Trader Joe’s and other local grocery stores, has consistently made the extra effort to pick up and deliver fresh plants and flowers. She often takes some extra time to bring these plants back to life before dropping these off at Beyond Hunger for our clients to enjoy. And when we weren’t in a position to accept flowers, nothing ever went to waste. We heard stories of Gigi practicing random acts of kindness by handing flowers to strangers walking by or dropping off flowers at hospitals or senior living centers – even random doorsteps.  Gigi, who is an avid professional home baker, has also been offering sourdough bread classes for the public to benefit Beyond Hunger. At a point in time when flour was hard to find in grocery stores her class package even included ingredient delivery! Thanks Gigi for bringing your energy and enthusiasm for plants, baking and cooking and spreading joy to further enrich our community.