National Call-In Day Monday, October 26th

Please tell Congress to reauthorize School Meals and WIC!
Nearly 16 million children in America live in households that struggle with hunger. Many of these children rely on the Child Nutrition Programs to reach the healthy meals they need to learn, grow, and thrive. Decisions are being made now on Capitol Hill that will impact these programs, and as Congress continues to debate Child Nutrition Reauthorization, we need you to let them know we want strong programs that feed more kids.
Congress only addresses child nutrition programs once every five years, and we can’t miss this opportunity to improve the programs that help our nation’s kids get the nutritious food they need to thrive. The current bill expired in September, and is temporarily extended. It’s critical to pass reauthorization this year to avoid election year politics in 2016.
Monday, October 26 has been designated as a National Call-In Day for Food Pantries ALL Over America to tell Congress that passing a strong child nutrition bill must be a priority.
We need YOUR support.
Please call Congress on Monday, October 26th.
Just follow these steps:
- Call the Feeding America toll free number, (888)398-8702 and follow the prompts of the automated message.
- You will be asked enter your zip code and to connect to either your local Senator or Representative. (Make sure to call back so that you can contact alll members of Congress.)
- Once connected, say that you are a constituent and giver your name and the town you reside in.
- Let them know you are calling about Child Nutrition Reauthorization and deliver this important message: “I urge you to pass a strong child nutrition bill this year so that children have the fuel they need to grow up healthy and succeed. I volunteer at Oak Park River Forest Food Pantry and I see the need for these programs.”
- Remember to call back so that you can leave the same message for both your Senator and Representative.
Help us spread the word!
- Share the Message on Social Media using #CNR2015; #Nutrition4Kids
- Help children get the food they need. Join @OPRFFoodPantry to call your Members of Congress to support #CNR2015.
- 16 million children in the US face hunger. Call Congress today to make sure no child goes hungry. #CNR2015
- Healthy kids = healthy leaders. Tell Congress to strengthen programs that get healthy #Nutrition4Kids in #CNR2015
- Strengthen federal child nutrition programs with a strong #CNR2015. Call Congress today!
- Additional Information Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act