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Pantry Pulse Fall 2018

More Than Food

One of the most impactful – if least visible – programs offered at Oak Park River Forest Food Pantry is Social Services Connection.  Tucked away in a cube down the hall from the Pantry, Amanda Kuhn, Social Services Coordinator, meets one-on-one with people seeking help applying for public benefits, such as SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, Medicare Savings, and Benefit Access.   She also helps people obtain certain identification documents. 


Leveraging the Power of Volunteers

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) and four partner Blue Cross Blue Shield plans have set an ambitious goal: reach 1 million volunteer hours by 2021. Lucky for us, they're doubling-down on efforts to encourage employees to use their Volunteer Matching Dollars program. 


Doing the "Right Thing"

One of Vickie Engelhardt’s enduring memories as a Pantry volunteer is the first time she worked to register new clients.


Meet George

No Matter the obstacle, George and his family face it head-on. George, his wife Adelina, and his stepson Nicholas face challenges head-on, not afraid to seek-out resources that will make their lives easier. Since being referred to the Pantry by Oak Park Township, Oak Park River Forest Food Pantry has been one of these resources. 


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