Thank You for 2016
At first it was a puzzle. How can the Census Bureau claim a 12% drop in the number of Americans struggling with hunger, when we actually served more people last year? We began the year convinced that hunger lurks in pockets throughout our community. So we reached beyond the basement to meet need where we found it. In the apartments of homebound seniors. In the summer when kids have no school meals. In SRO rooms without full kitchens. It turns out that was the key to the puzzle. The reason fewer people went hungry is because they were connected to needed services by caring communities like ours.
This report provides a glimpse into the work we do and what it means to those we serve. All of it made possible by your support. We hope you’ll take pride in seeing the difference you’ve made in single lives and whole communities. In FY2016 we set ambitious goals around nutrition and outreach, and throughout the year took careful measure of the impact we were having. We invite you to see for yourself how we’re ending hunger together. On behalf of the Board, staff, and clients we serve, we thank you for making it possible.
This year we were able to increase food distributed to families, including increasing healthy options, expand our nutrition education program reach, and all thanks to the support of our incredible community. Thank you.
Continue our work in 2017 by making a tax-deductible donation.
Read more about our accomplishments this past year in our FY2016 Annual Report.