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Who We Serve

"Vulnerable Populations" are no stranger at the Food Pantry.  In fact, 93% of individuals served by the Food Pantry belong to a household with at least one member who is a senior, child, or disabled.  Seniors, Children and Disabled persons are particularly vulnerable to face food insecurity

86% of households include at least one of these "vulnerable populations" making up the majority of households served by the Food Pantry. 


Children are amongst the most vulnerable populations for food insecurity.  Nationally, 13.1 million children under 18 live in households that are food insecure.  Childhood hunger deprives kids of more than just food, proper nutrition is vital to child development and on empty stomachs kids don't have the energy to focus, learn, and grow.  

On average, households with children visit the food pantry 3.27 times per year. 

And have an average of 4.5 members.  Households with children are, on average, the biggest households we serve. 


Seniors limited mobility and access to transportation prevent even seniors who can afford food from purchasing and preparing it.  Add in limited incomes, and seniors face a myriad of obstacles when it comes to filling their pantries and stomachs. 

On average, households with seniors visit the Pantry the most frequently - likely due to their permanently low-incomes.  Many seniors are unable to make it to the Pantry, so they send tier children, niblings, or neighbors to "shop" for them. 

Of the households with vulnerable populations, ones with seniors are on average the smallest, with slightly less than 3 members on average. 


Similar to seniors, people with disabilities face obstacles to purchasing and preparing foods.  Disabilities can prevent people from working and/or result in high medical costs for doctors visits, surgeries, and medications.  

Households with at least one person who is disabled visit the Pantry nearly 4 times per year. 

Similar to seniors, families with at least one person who is disabled are around 3 people in size. 

View our FY2016 Annual Report