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Chocolate Berry Breakfast Parfait

Oh, what a sweet morning it will be with this dark chocolate and berry parfait! A mixture of berries gives this recipe a hearty serving of fiber. While sweet and tasty, dark chocolate adds a bit of that Magnesium goodness we need for optimal blood pressure and nerve function

2 Servings
Preparation time
10 minutes
Cooking time
0 minutes
Total time
10 minutes
2 C plain Greek yogurt
1 C strawberries (Sliced)
1/2 C raspberries
1/2 C blueberries
4 Tbsp granola
2 oz dark chocolate chips
Chia seeds (optional)

1. Divide 1 cup Greek yogurt between 2 parfait glasses.

2. Spoon ¼ cup strawberries and ¼ cup raspberries into each glass.

3. Add 1 tbsp of granola and ½ oz dark chocolate onto each glass.

4. Divide the remaining 1 cup of Greek yogurt between both glasses.

5. Spoon ¼ cup strawberries and ¼ cup blueberries into each glass.

6. Top off with remaining 1 tbsp granola and ½ oz dark chocolate into each glass. Enjoy! Option topping: a sprinkle of chia seeds for a serving of healthy fats


Per Serving: Calories 470kcal, Protein 24.6, Saturated Fat 7.6g, Sodium 71.7mg, Total Fiber 12.9g, Total Sugar 27.7g