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egg burritos

Add color and flavor to this dish by creating a fresh salsa for a topping! Simply combine chopped, fresh tomatoes, onion, and cilantro with fresh lime juice. Other optional toppings include sour cream or plain yogurt and fresh cilantro.

4 Servings
3 green onions (sliced)
1 bell pepper (red or green, rinsed, cored, and diced)
1 clv garlic
2 oz shredded cheddar cheese (regular or reduced fat)
1 can black beans (15 oz, low sodium preferred)
1 tsp oil
4 eggs
3/4 tsp cumin (divided)
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
non-stick cooking spray
4 flour tortilla (8 inch, whole wheat preferred)

1. In a medium skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add onions, bell pepper, and garlic. Cook until peppers are soft (about 3 minutes).

2. Add beans, 1/2 tsp cumin, and black pepper. Cook until the beans are heated. Transfer to a bowl.

3. In a small bowl, crack eggs and add remaining cumin. Beat mixture lightly with a fork. Wipe out skillet with paper towel; coat skillet with non-stick cooking spray and heat at medium-low. Add egg mixture. Cook, stirring occasionally, until eggs are as firm as you like (about 3-5 minutes). Add egg mixture to bean mixture and stir to combine.

4. Warm tortillas in microwave for about 20 seconds.

5. Spoon egg/bean mixture into the center of each tortilla, dividing equally between the four tortillas. Sprinkle cheese on top. Fold tortilla over mixture into a burrito and serve warm.

Per Serving: Calories: 360, Saturated Fat: 3.5g, Sodium: 330mg, Total Sugars: 5g