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September is HUNGER ACTION MONTH! Throughout September people across the country stand together to with food pantries, food banks, and the Feeding America Network to take action to reduce hunger in...
During July, we're taking advantage of the summer bounty and talking about the health benefits of fruits and vegetables.
Prior to volunteering, all prospective volunteers must complete a new volunteer form and attend a Volunteer Orientation. During this orientation, you will receive an overview of our mission, values, shifts, and how to sign up to volunteer.
External Resources for Pantry Participants
This month we're taking about dietary approaches to stop hypertension (high blood pressure).
The CAN DO Community Challenge not only extends to local businesses, congregations, and individuals, but also to our schools where students strive to win the CAN DO trophy.The Challenge winner was...
Letter to the Editor, Wednesday JournalIt's hard to make the Farm Bill sexy. It sounds bucolic and quaint — and far removed from our lives. But the lion's share of its funding goes to nutritional...
May's Nutrition Education theme is Rethink Your Drink. This month we'll be talking about soda and juice alternatives that are refreshing and no-calorie.
On Saturday, April 7th, we fulfilled a year’s long dream to host an iron-chef inspired cooking competition using food pantry ingredients. Over two rounds – one amateur, and one professional – home...
This month we'll be talking about the updates to the nutrition label and how to read a food label to find the important information.
Diane doesn't let Multiple Sclerosis hamper her sunny attitude or her independence. In fact, you may have passed Diane at the Oak Park Library or running errands when she's feeling well. Now, as one...